Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I'm Working!

Well, the day finally came. I'm hired. I spoke with a friend who works at the company as a supervisory medic and he forwarded my application on to the operations director.

I had my interview today and everything went well. I'm basically in. I'll be taking a quick trip out of town to visit my family for two days, then come back and start work.

I will be working for a 911 company that is contracted to a city of about 75,000 plus surrounding towns.

I'll be working a 24 on, 48 off rotating shift. That will give me 72 hours one week, and 48 hours the next week, rotating. There are tons of hours available and I should be able to pick up any shifts on my 48 hour weeks.

I'm looking forward to getting some emergency experience in and moving ahead with my career.

If anything interesting happens, I'll be sure to write.

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